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Show & Tell Presentation Workshop Presentation

Peer feedback in speaking classes using Google Forms with DocAppender

Fri, Jun 4, 18:00-19:15 Asia/Tokyo Room A

Recent Studies (for example Saito, 2016) have found that in addition to conventional teacher-centred feedback, peer feedback in speaking classes can provide students with meaningful learning opportunities. However, learner reticence to provide face-to-face feedback, coupled with time constraints and the recent shift to online classes can make such feedback problematic. By using the free DocAppender plug-in for Google Forms as detailed in this hands-on presentation, attendees will be shown a way for learners to provide fast and easily accessible feedback to their peers. Using Docappander, students can type their observations on a Google Form, with this feedback being automatically sent to a Google Document, thus enabling the speaker to obtain swift reactions to their speaking performance, without the need for face-to-face spoken feedback . Attendees will firstly be shown a brief demonstration of the app. I will then show how to create a simple Google Form to send feedback to individual Google Documents assigned to students. Finally, attendees will be offered suggestions for further applications of the software beyond peer review in speaking classes. This workshop will be of particular interest to those teaching debate or presentation classes.



Download PDF: Slides

Doc Appender Live Demonstration

  • Richard Ingham

    Richard currently works through the British Council at a private university in Nagoya, Japan. He holds a Cambridge DELTA, and is currently studying for an MA (TESOL) from the University of Sunderland. His research interests include Extensive Listening (EL), podcasting, and peer review.