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Show & Tell Presentation Workshop Presentation

Trialing of ICT-mediated feedback types in an EFL process writing class: Students’ perspective

Sun, Jun 6, 10:00-11:15 Asia/Tokyo Room C

The present study features a trialing of three feedback types in the essay composition component of a weekly EFL writing course in a private high school in western Tokyo, in the fall and winter of SY 2020-2021. The feedback types were administered on three ICT-mediated applications using a WiFi-enabled Chromebook for cycle 1; and the participants' computing device of choice (Bring Your Own Device) for cycle 2. The feedback types were sequenced as follows: (1) automated feedback through English Listening and Speaking Testing (ELST); (2) teacher feedback through Classi LMS's Questionnaire application; and (3) peer feedback through Google Docs and Google Sheets applications. A process approach to essay composition was implemented. The Action Research (AR) design was adapted in the study. Answers to four research questions were sought: (1) How effective is AI-generated feedback provided on the AWE application of ELST in revising students’ rough drafts?; (2) How effective is teacher feedback provided on Classi LMS's Questionnaire application in improving students’ revised drafts?; (3) How effective is peer feedback provided on Google Docs and Google Sheets in editing students’ final drafts?; and (4) How much did students’ perspective on automated, teacher, and peer feedback change after undergoing the study? Utilizing a qualitative research format, data was gathered using: (a) pre- and post-study student surveys; (b) teacher field observation notes; (c) student learning reflection logs; and (d) essay drafts overall mean scores of respondents. Results found that automated, teacher, and peer feedback types were all moderately effective in improving student-writers’ drafts.


Trialing of ICT-mediated feedback types

The video has two goals: 1) To show and tell a trialing of ICT-mediated feedback types in an EFL process writing class which focused on students' perspective; and 2) To do a peer feedback workshop using Google Docs and Google Sheets applications. You could skip the first part of the video to go directly to the peer feedback workshop, which was the second half of the presentation.

Show and Tell/Workshop Slides

Download PDF: Show and Tell/Workshop Slides

These slides were the actual slides used during the online presentation. They may be used for reference/guide.

  • Alvin Santos

    A licensed professional teacher for 14 years, I have taught ESL, mainstream secondary language classes, CLIL-oriented , and language test preparation courses. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English and TESOL. I also have graduate education units in Master of Arts in Reading and Literacy. I am currently a CALL SIG member of Tokyo Chapter JALT. My research interests focus on writing pedagogy and technology integration. I am a native of the Philippines, can speak some Japanese and sporadic Korean; but think and self-talk in Pampango (mother tongue from my native province back home). I cook and watch movies and series as pastime.