Yoshiko Goda
Kumamoto University
Dr Yoshiko Goda is an Associate Professor in the Research Center for Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University, Japan. She was the Director of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction and has experience teaching in various countries, including Taiwan, the US, and Japan. Goda has been actively involved in world-leading academic societies, including as the General Co-chair of IEEE TALE 2020 and the SIG Chair of Technology Enhanced Language Learning in the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. Her current research interests include instructional and learning design, online education program evaluation and feedback, and innovative communities for global education.Sessions
Keynote Speaker Language Learning in this New Hybrid Era: Things that Change and Things that Don't Change more
Fri, Jun 4, 19:30-20:45 Asia/Tokyo
Like any other learning subjects, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound, significant effect on language learning. Remote teaching is now common, and both teachers and students are getting used to learning via technology. This presentation has two parts. The first summarizes language learning before the pandemic and since it began and proposes things that do and do not change. Those that do not change include (1) the significance of design, (2) increased student input and output, (3) practice of the four skills, and (4) in-class and outside-of-class learning activities. The things that do change include (1) lesson series designed to include synchronous and asynchronous learning activities, (2) new input and output methods, (3) four skills training that uses control of information and media, (4) more learner-centered learning, and (5) a balance of data-driven and knowledge (theory)-driven approaches. One of the biggest differences between the traditional and the new hybrid era is that data collection has become easier and the types of data available are more varied. These learning data can enable our teaching to include more evidence-based interventions and just-in-time facilitations. The presentation’s second part focuses on the larger vision of technology-enhanced language learning. Technological advancements enable us to be more creative and innovative as instructional designers and teachers. The presentation discusses the further development of recent technologies and proposes their potential applications in the near future. Let’s imagine and discuss the possible directions of future language learning and some strategies for overcoming concerns.