Justin Hunt
Justin is the founder and main developer at Poodll in Nagasaki, Japan. He was the IT director for iShine Professional College, Reading Portfolio and still works as IT Director for Read Seed. Previously he taught for over 10 years in Japanese junior and senior high schools.Sessions
Sponsored Presentation Using Poodll Languages auto-graded activities for efficient learning more
Sun, Jun 6, 13:45-14:15 Asia/Tokyo
Using Poodll Languages autograded activities for efficient learning Poodll Languages is a set of four formative assessment applications for language learners. The applications are ReadAloud (oral reading), Wordcards (vocabulary acquisition), MiniLesson (listening and speaking) and Solo (open speech assessment). Each activity can be graded automatically, freeing up teacher time and giving students immediate feedback and the opportunity to re-attempt at will. In the presentation the Poodll founder and lead developer will introduce and demonstrate each activity. Poodll Languages is developed for use on the Moodle LMS but can also be used with Blackboard, Canvas and other LTI compatible LMSs.