Gavin P Young
Onomichi City University
I have been living and teaching TEFL in Japan for over twenty years. For the past two years I've been at Onomichi City University where I'm teaching introductory English communication courses. I've become very interested in using web-based technologies for educational purposes, so I'm learning JavaScript and CSS.Sessions
Show & Tell Presentation Create interactive projects in Hypertext with Twine, a free software more
Sun, Jun 6, 16:00-16:30 Asia/Tokyo
The Twine software allows educators to use current web technology to create simple educational activities and essays that are interactive. Previous programming experience is not necessary because the Twine software has a built-in editor. Glosses, images and audio (including a Web Speech API) can thus be easily added and everything saved to an html file. Because Twine projects can introduce randomness and keep track of decisions made by users, this allows each subsequent reading of a Twine project to be different. Twine projects can be hosted online or on a school server or can be sent by email to participants. Using the Twine software may be beneficial for students because as reading styles shift from books to online sources, hypertext literacy is becoming more important than print literacy. In my presentation, I will begin with the description of Twine on its home page and then explain briefly how to use the software. I will follow this by explaining how a Twine-based ‘scavenger-hunt’ was used in my university’s curriculum to enhance learning and its outcome. I will end with a quick overview of my current and future projects. Participants will take away from this presentation an awareness of the software, Twine’s possible uses, and Twine’s benefits and drawbacks. Online examples using the Twine software can be found at https://twinery.org/.