Julia Christmas
University of Niigata Prefecture
Julia Christmas is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Economics and member of the International Exchange Center Steering Committee at the University of Niigata Prefecture. Her research interests include Content and Language Integrated Learning, Academic Writing in CLIL settings, and Professional Development for in-service Japanese Teachers of English. Contact email: jchristm@unii.ac.jpSessions
Show & Tell Presentation Using Padlet to teach paraphrasing and combat plagiarism more
Sun, Jun 6, 13:00-14:15 Asia/Tokyo
Plagiarism in academic writing is an enduring issue. Approaches to combating it previously took the form of explaining its consequences and creating stricter rules (Brown, 2017). Recently, deeper investigations have been undertaken to discover why students plagiarize (Gunnarsson, Kulesza, & Pettersson, 2010; Chen, & Van Ullen, 2011; Brown, 2017). Although the reasons given are varied, one, in particular, may affect learners in Japan: “unintentional” plagiarism. This refers to plagiarism which occurs because of a lack of understanding of what it is and how to avoid it (Yamada, 2003). Thus, teamed with knowledge about what plagiarism is, the teaching of paraphrasing skills to students has been offered to remedy “unintentional” acts (Yamada, 2003; Keck, 2006; Gunnarsson, Kulesza, & Pettersson, 2010). Paraphrasing, a skill that can be challenging even for L1 students (Yamada, 2003; Keck, 2006), is nonetheless still a vital tool in our students’ repertoire set that allows them to complete academic writing tasks and should be nurtured (Keck, 2006). The purpose of this workshop is to offer a systematic approach to teaching paraphrasing while making use of a digital tool called Padlet. Padlet’s features allow for use while teaching online. It can also be used in face-to-face classes where each member has a device or during group work using one device among group members. A hands-on approach will be taken to allow participants who have never used Padlet to experience its features and at the same time, try out the target techniques meant to develop students’ ability to paraphrase.