Mario Perez

Kobe Shoin Women's University


Mario Perez is a lecturer at Kobe Shoin Women's University in Japan. He has lived in Japan for 18 years, and has been an EFL instructor at various universities here for over 8 years. His current research interests lay in utilizing EAP to introduce students to the struggles faced by marginalized communities both in Japan and abroad. He is also dedicated to employing CALL methods and practices in the classroom to achieve outcomes in both his research interests and gains in student language acquisition.


Show & Tell Presentation Empowered learning using video essays in a film studies course more

Sun, Jun 6, 10:00-10:30 Asia/Tokyo

This paper focuses on the use of CALL in a Film Studies course focusing on women in Media. This course, taught in the spring semester 2020, used a variety of online media and software to build a student centred learning experience. A literature review will present pedagogical rationale for this study: Abdulrahman, 2018; Broadaway, 2012; Harb, 2018; Hernández, Cuevas, & Valencia, 2018 demonstrate the benefits of using authentic, non-traditional language-learning media in an EAP context. In this study, thirteen EFL students taking a course on foreign films at a women’s university in Japan were taught aspects of feminist film theory such as the Bechdel Test, Male Gaze and the Dumb Blonde via engaging YouTube video essays. Students were given full control over the video material to individually play and replay to improve comprehension. Then they collaboratively answered quiz questions in small groups. Students participated in online discussions and lengthy presentations via Zoom and FlipGrid. The authors used online surveys to ascertain students’ impressions of the feminist materials studied and how they perceived the usefulness of the language skill-building activities employed. This paper will discuss the results of the study and provide recommendations for using online media and LMS to assist EAP instruction.

Alex Serey Mario Perez