Paul Raine
Paul Raine has over 15 years of experience teaching English at universities in Japan, and possesses a Master degree in TEFL from the University of Birmingham. He is particularly interested in Computer Assisted Language Learning, and has developed numerous applications and platforms for language learners and teachers, including TeacherTools.Digital.Sessions
Sponsored Presentation TeacherTools.Digital: The Language Teacher's LMS that belongs to you more
Sat, Jun 5, 15:30-16:00 Asia/Tokyo
As language teachers, we face many frustrations and complications in delivering our lessons. These frustrations have only multiplied in the post-pandemic world. Technology can help, but often presents its own problems. Unintuitive or overly complex interfaces. Lack of functionality. Lack of features specifically designed for language teachers. TeacherTools.Digital, on the other hand, has been designed by language teachers for language teachers. Each teacher gets their own account, with their own classes, student lists, and activities. TeacherTools.Digital offers 8 innovative activity types that cover all four skills of speaking, writing, listening, and reading, and empowers teachers to deliver both new and existing content in a variety of contexts, including online, blended, hybrid and even face to face. In this presentation, the designer and developer of TeacherTools will demonstrate and explain how the platform helps teachers to create engaging and effective language learning activities quickly and easily. Join Paul Raine, a 15 year veteran in Japanese university classrooms, to find out how TeacherTools can both reduce teacher stress and improve student engagement in a variety of language teaching and learning contexts.