Philip Norton
Kyoto Sangyo University
Philip Norton has over 17-years of EFL teaching experience at Japanese universities. His research focus is on media-enhanced learning and superhero movies. He is also a writer and has published two poetry collections and received two Australian national poetry awards. As a singer-songwriter and spoken-word artist, he has released numerous spoken-word and music tracks and performed at arts festivals and events around the world. For more about his words and music visit www.preachermansays.com or email infuse[dot]norton[at]gmail[dot]comSessions
Show & Tell Presentation Using bulletin board websites to develop interactive and collaborative learning activities more
Sun, Jun 6, 15:15-15:45 Asia/Tokyo
The online class format of the 2020-21 academic year presented a particular challenge for film courses with the ability to share copyrighted video restricted via virtual meeting software. Finding a way for students to interact, collaborate and engage with each other and with course content can be challenging in an online class format. This can be particularly difficult for media rich content. Bulletin board websites that allow users to create and respond to content simultaneously provide a platform for online interactivity. This presentation will provide a variety of specific examples in which bulletin board software (Padlet.org) has been used for a variety of language class activities from content heavy courses with complex topics such as movie themes, plot structures, gender and race to more skills-based content such as vocabulary and writing. The ability for students to work simultaneously on a group Padlet page allows for interaction in ways that are not only suited to an online environment, but that would not be possible, or as dynamic, in a non-web-based format.