Erin Noxon
Sagano High School
I've got a Dr. on my name, I'm a Google Certified Innovator, and I teach at Sagano High School in Kyoto. Let's see... I've taught communicative English, life science, integrated science, CLIL science, global studies, and Tech and Media skills during 17+ years of teaching in public schools in the US and Japan. I love doing EdTech professional development (PD) and I am researching EdTech PD, blended learning, and public school EdTech environments. Find me @tesolgeek on Twitter.Sessions
Conference Events Opening Ceremony more
Sat, Jun 5, 09:30-09:45 Asia/Tokyo
Welcome to JALTCALL2021! Let's kick off this event together, please join us for our opening ceremony on Saturday!

Conference Events Closing Ceremony more
Sun, Jun 6, 16:45-17:15 Asia/Tokyo
Come join us for the official closing of JALTCALL2021