<p>Teaching writing just got easier with </p><ul><li><p>Built by educators, for educators</p></li><li><p>Smart templating software to teach writing in person or online.</p></li></ul><p>Provides:</p><ul><li><p>Scaffolding and chunking for learning.</p></li><li><p>Flexibility with ready-to-use or customisable templates.</p></li><li><p>Flexibility to provide native language support.</p></li><li><p>Opportunity for easy formative feedback with review features.</p></li><li><p>Asynchronous support for students with tips, prompts, and videos.</p></li><li><p>Flexibility to transition from online to in person teaching quickly and easily.</p></li></ul>

About MangoSTEEMS
Education product solutions in the areas of STEAMS Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Language Arts, Math and Social Studies) using 21st century learning methods and latest technologies.